By: Nicole Milaszewski, Senior, Marketing, Media and Creative Advertising
We often think of diversity in terms of age, race, gender, and ethnicity. Diversity also
includes, but is not limited to, gender identity, sexual orientation, social class, political
beliefs, religious beliefs, different upbringings, psychographics, career paths, research
interests, and physical ability or attributes. These characteristics of diversity can
profoundly affect our self-view and our relationships with others. Marketers must
embrace all aspects of diversity to understand consumers and develop messages,
products, and services that connect with their needs and desires. Here at the Kelley
Marketing Department, our diversity is just that – diverse, and is central to our core
mission of serving customers. Our campaign “Diversity: People, Places, Moments” will feature stories showing that diversity is at the heart of marketing.
How will it work?
“Diversity: People, Places, Moments” will highlight how the Marketing Department
embraces diversity through a collection of blogs and videos. Diversity can be found in
the people we surround ourselves with, the places we go, and the moments we
experience. Our students, faculty, and alumni will serve as powerful storytellers to share
the diverse stories and activities that exist within the Kelley Marketing Department.
What will it look like?
The stories will be featured here, on our Department’s new blog. These posts will also be on our Instagram as well as our Linkedin. Through connection and engagement on these new social channels, we hope to drive awareness of the diverse diversity found within our department. Each week will consist of at least one piece of new content including:
Major Mondays: These posts will highlight our diverse Kelley Marketing students.
Whether it is about how they are attending their Zoom classes with a 12-hour time
difference or how they are putting a unique spin on their Marketing major,
#MajorMonday will have all the stories.
Faculty Fridays: Kelley Marketing Faculty, who produce both a nationally recognized
curriculum and research on any marketing topic you can think of, will share their insights
under #FacultyFriday.
Alumni Advice: Our Kelley Marketing Alumni are not only in diverse parts of the world,
but are also pursuing diverse career paths. Look for #AlumniAdvice to find their stories.
Why is highlighting diversity important?
Marketing is centered around the idea of reaching people of varying backgrounds,
opinions, socio-economic classes, psychographics, and demographics. It is crucial to
recognize and understand the diversity of every consumer. Our department is a
reflection of that diversity. With the launch of this campaign, we will
highlight the value of our differences and the power that comes from putting them all
together. Diversity is at the heart of marketing, and at the heart of the Kelley Marketing
How do you follow along?
Learn just how diverse our diversity is through our faculty, students, and alumni. Follow along with our blog for weekly stories and connect with us on our brand new Instagram and Linkedin. Share your Kelley Marketing Pride amongst your peers.
How do you share your diversity story?
If you’re a Kelley Marketing faculty, alumni, or student that wants to share your story please reach out to our content creation team here.
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