By: Jeffrey Yu, Senior, Marketing and Digital Media
8:30 a.m. – Alarm Clock Goes Off.
Just like most people at IU, after dragging myself out of my “oh so comfortable” bed, I like to start my mornings off with a warm cup of coffee. I usually pair my coffee with toast heated up for exactly 3 minutes with melted butter and a banana to top it off. After finishing breakfast and scrolling through social media for way too long, I change into presentable clothes and get ready to start my day like everyone else.
However, unlike everyone else, my day doesn’t start with classes. In fact, I don’t even have classes until 13 hours later. Yes, you read that right. I’m a student at IU studying Marketing and Digital Media, not on campus, but in the beautiful land of Taiwan (EST +13hr). Due to growing concerns of Covid-19, I decided to complete this semester at home. Today, I’m here to highlight exactly how that’s done and how the diverse marketing program has enabled me to continue my education in a positive way.
9:30 a.m. – Studying Begins.
I typically spend most of my mornings completing school assignments and e-learning class materials as I find myself most functional before noon. Here is where I want to introduce my first thought on diversity. Diversity, without a doubt, needs to be surrounded with the concept of “empathy.” Without empathy – the ability to understand others – diversity would be pointless. The Marketing Department at Kelley is all about understanding students’ needs and frankly, is the reason why I can pursue my degree as efficiently as others.
By offering generous accommodations given this odd year, the Marketing Department shows a commitment to understanding the unique life of each student and to providing solutions for us. In terms of my life, that means getting access to course materials 24/7 to allow me the flexibility to continue learning even though I am 13 hours ahead of class time. On top of that, I have professors who regularly check in on my mental well-being (because I have classes until 2am) and professors who are willing to stay up late to help with my education. The faculty in the Marketing Department aren’t “teaching robots” – they are humans too and care about students beyond their academic grades.

12:30 p.m. – Lunch Break & Free Time
This time is probably the most exciting part of my day – eating and exploring. While my classmates on campus are sleeping, I take the train to different parts of the city and munch on some of the best foods in the entire world. I often wander like a tourist and end up finding awesome places. Now you might be wondering, “Jeff, what does this have to do with diversity or marketing?” Great question! I like to think that diversity is also about embracing and sharing.
The way I look at it, Kelley didn’t hire our Marketing professors just to teach us the 4P’s. Anyone can teach you the 4P’s. They were hired because they have valuable stories to share, just like the students they teach. I am intentional about embracing other people’s stories – I usually learn some really cool things! Some of my favorite things about Taiwan will serve as great stories to tell when I return to Indiana:
9:30 p.m. – Time for Work & Class
You’ve made it this far through the blog – thanks for sticking around! Now I’m going to attempt to convince you that staying up for class isn’t as bad as you think. If you haven’t noticed, I’m taking classes during the time I should be sleeping. What keeps me going is the fact that I’m taking classes I actually enjoy. I’ve never imagined saying that… but as a marketing major, there are so many different classes you can take – both on the creative side or the analytical side of marketing.
In addition, there’s plentiful opportunities for things like research, organizations/clubs, and internships. I was fortunate enough to be offered an opportunity to work for Bloomington Brands LLC through the Kelley School. Even at late night, I’m doing things I enjoy, including content creation and brand management. If it weren’t for the Marketing family, I wouldn’t be here today writing this blog for you.
So, even though I am half-way around the world, taking my classes at the wrong time of day, I am still getting a full experience from my education. I am benefitting from the Marketing Department’s commitment to diversity in all ways. I encourage all of you to to seek out the opportunities the Marketing Department offers you and be sure to share your stories.

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